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A Gymnastics Lesson 5
« Reply #40 on: December 10, 2024, 01:20:16 PM »
A Gymnastics Lesson 5

Bending June over my desk, I pull down her knickers to reveal her striped, lily-white bottom. She is dreading my prison cane, and for good reason, and grunts loudly after each stroke whilst writhing about in pain. June begins to sob halfway through her punishment, but I have no sympathy for her plight, coldly delivering twelve full strokes as her cheeks turn red and raw.

Part 5 of 7

Mila Grant, Susie Li, Violet Haze, Miss Elsa Svenson

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A Gymnastics Lesson 6
« Reply #41 on: December 12, 2024, 06:49:04 AM »
A Gymnastics Lesson 6

Prudence is terrified as she removes her school blazer and skirt, and bends over my desk for another caning. Twelve swift strokes stripe the poor girl's bottom red and raw, making her writhe in pain as she struggles to keep the count. Susie watches the corner, hanging her head in fear and shame, knowing her caning comes next and will be the hardest of them all.

Part 6 of 7

Mila Grant, Susie Li, Violet Haze, Miss Elsa Svenson

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A Gymnastics Lesson 7
« Reply #42 on: December 12, 2024, 07:50:08 AM »
A Gymnastics Lesson 7

Susie was a tyrant during the gymnastics tryouts, caning and humiliating her classmates, so for her I have saved the hardest punishment. Bent over my desk, she cries out "Thank you, Miss Svenson!", after each *very* hard stroke to her bullying little bottom. Twenty-four lashes from my prison cane leave poor Susie striped, shaking... and sorry.

Part 7 of 7 - All parts

Includes: Caning, Corporal Punishment, Bellington Academy

With: Susie Li, Prudence, June & Miss Svenson

Mila Grant, Susie Li, Violet Haze, Miss Elsa Svenson

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Let the Punishment Fit the Crime 1
« Reply #43 on: December 12, 2024, 09:10:40 AM »
Let the Punishment Fit the Crime 1

Five of my students are reporting to Miss Mathews for correction, but first they shall have a uniform inspection. With their makeup and mascara, loose ties and untucked shirts, all five fail miserably. What's worse, some of the girls smell like cigarettes!

Dorothy, Jane, Sandra, Veronica, and Violet will each take three strokes of the tawse on their naughty hands. Jane is first, wincing in pain as the leather meets her palms, whilst the other girls watch in fear. As the teacher moves down the line, the girls whimper and squirm as they each receive their punishment.

The pain is unbearable, and it has only begun.

Part 1 of 13

Includes: Hand Tawsing, Palm Punishment, School Uniform

With: Dorothy, Jane, Sandra, Veronica, Violet & Miss Mathews (Charlie Ten, Clara Hewitt, Danielle Hunt, Lucy Lauren, Tamsin Riley, Violet)

Charlie Ten, Clara Hewitt, Danielle Hunt, Lucy Lauren, Tamsin Riley, Violet

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Let the Punishment Fit the Crime 2
« Reply #44 on: December 14, 2024, 03:01:28 AM »
Let the Punishment Fit the Crime 2

These five young ladies will receive nine strokes each from Miss Mathews' wicked tawse. Jane goes first, bent over in embarrassment and spanked repeatedly, then sent to the corner whilst a scared Sandra takes her place. One by one, these little miscreants are strapped hard with the heavy leather, kicking and crying as their bottoms are sharply stung.

Charlie Ten, Clara Hewitt, Danielle Hunt, Lucy Lauren, Tamsin Riley, Violet

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History with Miss Montford
« Reply #45 on: December 14, 2024, 07:12:03 AM »
History with Miss Montford

Little Susie Li has earned herself detention after failing her history exam. Her teacher, Miss Montford, is surprised and dismayed at this bright student turning in such a poor performance. She soon realizes Susie is simply disinterested in the subject matter, and there's only one way to correct that.

Miss Montford pulls Susie over her knee, spanking through her blue uniform knickers with a plimsoll slipper. Adding to Susie's embarrassment, her knickers are pulled down to her knees, and the slipper thuds over and over against her bare tender bottom. Scolding and striking Susie until her cheeks are a bright, angry shade of red, Miss Montford prepares her for an extended and painful detention.

Nicky Montford, Susie Li, Miss Elsa Svenson

History with Miss Montford - 8.4 MB

History-with-Miss-Montford-1-HD.mp4 - 2.7 GB
History-with-Miss-Montford-2-HD.mp4 - 1.1 GB
History-with-Miss-Montford-3-HD.mp4 - 1.3 GB
History-with-Miss-Montford-4-HD.mp4 - 2.0 GB
History-with-Miss-Montford-5-HD.mp4 - 1.5 GB
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Let the Punishment Fit the Crime 3
« Reply #48 on: December 15, 2024, 07:46:02 AM »
Let the Punishment Fit the Crime 3

These five students are quite a sorry bunch! Standing in the corner, skirts up over their knickers and hands on their heads, shivering in fear at the sight of my long, sturdy tawse. Squirming, kicking, and crying, each girl receives another nine stokes on the bare bottom, whilst her classmates are made to watch.

Part 3 of 13

Charlie Ten, Clara Hewitt, Danielle Hunt, Lucy Lauren, Miss Elsa Svenson, Tamsin Riley, Violet

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Let the Punishment Fit the Crime 4
« Reply #49 on: December 15, 2024, 08:28:16 AM »
Let the Punishment Fit the Crime 4

Dorothy is shaking all the way down to her pigtails, as she goes back across the chair for more punishment. Knickers down, her bare bottom ripples in pain under my tawse, as she struggles to catch her breath whilst kicking her feet in a futile protest. Next, Veronica takes Dorothy's place, screaming and writhing in agony as I tan her bottom hard with the heavy leather.

Part 4 of 13

Charlie Ten, Clara Hewitt, Danielle Hunt, Lucy Lauren, Miss Elsa Svenson, Tamsin Riley, Violet

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Let the Punishment Fit the Crime 5
« Reply #50 on: December 15, 2024, 09:09:24 AM »
Let the Punishment Fit the Crime 5

The girls have had a rough hour of punishment, but it isn't yet over. Jane leans over the spanking bench, her bare bottom presented for Miss Mathew's school cane. Shivering in pain, the poor girl cries out the count as the teacher delivers nine sharp strokes to her young, tender cheeks.

Part 5 of 13

Clara Hewitt, Danielle Hunt, Lucy Lauren, Tamsin Riley, Violet

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Let the Punishment Fit the Crime 6
« Reply #51 on: December 16, 2024, 05:21:07 AM »
Let the Punishment Fit the Crime 6

The girls have had a rough hour of punishment, but it isn't yet over. Violet is next over the spanking bench, her lily-white bottom presented for the teacher's cane. Crying out the count, the schoolgirl shakes in pain as the red stripes begin to show on her cheeks. Poor Violet is already repentant, but it won't save her from nine hard strokes.

Part 6 of 13

Clara Hewitt, Danielle Hunt, Lucy Lauren, Tamsin Riley, Violet

Let the Punishment Fit the Crime 6-HD.mp4 - 1.6 GB

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Let the Punishment Fit the Crime 7
« Reply #52 on: December 16, 2024, 06:56:09 AM »
Let the Punishment Fit the Crime 7

Dorothy is back over the spanking bench, still hurting from her tawsing. She stamps her feet as Miss Mathews gives her stroke after stroke with the cane, writhing and crying in pain as red lines begin to appear on her little white bottom. Dorothy takes nine hard stokes from the very strict teacher, and winds up a sobbing little mess.

Part 7 of 13

Clara Hewitt, Danielle Hunt, Lucy Lauren, Tamsin Riley, Violet

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The Importance of Maths
« Reply #53 on: December 23, 2024, 10:33:53 AM »
The Importance of Maths

Lily has heard about Miss West's penchant for spanking schoolgirls in detention, and she's afraid it may be her turn. Miss West gives her a simple maths problem, and is unsurprised when Lily's best guess is wrong. The girl just won't study, and there's only one lesson for that.

The Importance of Maths 1: Pulling Lily over her knee, Miss West delivers a rapid handspanking over her blue school knickers. Lily sobs, legs wiggling in pain, and cries out another wrong answer, so Miss West pulls her knickers down for a seemingly endless number of hard, stingy smacks on the poor girl's bare bottom.

The Importance of Maths 2: Lazy Lily's knickers are down around her knees, as Miss West orders her to remove her slipper. Back over the teacher's knee, Lily feels the hard thud of the plimsoll, squirming and crying while her bottom is turned bright red. Miss West feels no sympathy for the errant student, and harshly delivers the consequences for all of Lily's wrong answers.

The Importance of Maths 3: After studies, Lily still cannot grasp simple multiplication, and Miss West has run out of patience. She picks up a thick leather strap, and proceeds to swat Lily's bare bottom hard, again and again, whilst peppering the lazy student with basic maths equations. Every wrong answer brings harder punishment, until poor Lily's cheeks are red and bruised, and finally a set of rapid strokes have her legs shivering in pain.

The Importance of Maths 4: Lily just won't study, and there's only one lesson for that.

Lily is still bent over the desk, rubbing her sore bottom, but Miss West has more punishment in store. The teacher spanks the lazy student hard with a hair brush, before switching to a heavy leather strap, thoroughly tenderizing her naughty, bruised bottom. On and on, the thrashing has poor Lily writhing in agony, in a lesson she's sure to remember!

The Importance of Maths 5: Stripped out of her school uniform, Lily is bent over the teacher's desk for her next punishment. Miss West swings a long, thin leather strap against Lily's exposed bottom, shaking her cheeks violently with every blow. Lily squeezes her eyes shut, crying out in pain as her cheeks are thrashed until they are a bright stinging crimson.

The Importance of Maths 6: Poor Lily can barely stand up straight, rubbing her sore, spanked bottom whilst she pleads for mercy. Miss West has something else in mind, however, and slices the air with a cane as the lazy schoolgirl trembles in fright. Bent over the teacher's desk, Lily takes a final, harsh caning, until the angry red lines on her bottom have her shaking in pain...

Part 6 of 6 - All parts

Echo Evangelista, Miss West

The Importance of Maths - 3.8 MB

The Importance of Maths 1-HD.mp4 - 2.4 GB
The Importance of Maths 2-HD.mp4 - 2.0 GB
The Importance of Maths 3-HD.mp4 - 1.8 GB
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Wait To Be Called 1
« Reply #54 on: December 24, 2024, 06:57:12 AM »
Wait To Be Called 1

Denise (Essie) is in trouble again, waiting outside my office with that all too familiar look of fear on her face. This young lady has great potential, but needs to get herself under control. Strictly out of care and concern, we both know that a caning is necessary.

Stripping out of her skirt and knickers, Denise cries and squirms over the stool whilst I stripe her bottom. Angry red lines soon form on her ample cheeks, and the poor girl is left nearly breathless from the pain. I'm not very impressed with all her antics, so the punishments will continue. Denise stands outside my door...hurt, scared, and awaiting her next ordeal.

Part 1 of 3

Includes: Caning, Schoolgirl, Corporal Punishment

With: Denise (Irish Essie) & Miss Svenson

Essie, Miss Elsa Svenson

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Wait To Be Called 2
« Reply #55 on: December 24, 2024, 11:20:20 AM »
Wait To Be Called 2

Denise is back for another hard caning, perching on my slipper box, with hands on her knees and a face full of fear. Standing still is not so easy when my swift cane strokes meet her bare bottom, and the poor girl shudders and jumps, trying to keep her balance whilst she whimpers in pain. Sobbing, Denise hangs on till the end, shaking in agony with a sorely striped bottom.

Viewed from all angles.

Part 2 of 3

Essie, Miss Elsa Svenson

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Wait To Be Called 3
« Reply #56 on: December 25, 2024, 07:30:01 AM »
Wait To Be Called 3

Denise has a final caning today, and this one will be the hardest. Bent over my spanking bench, the terrified girl can hardly take the painful stings, kicking up her feet as she writhes in agony. The caning only gets harder, and has Denise stomping her feet whilst she sobs loudly, earning her an extra stroke that makes her scream.

Viewed from all angles.

Part 3 of 3 - All parts

Essie, Miss Elsa Svenson

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Three Miscreants 1
« Reply #57 on: December 26, 2024, 06:36:26 AM »
Three Miscreants 1

Bellington Academy is having a surprise uniform inspection, and three students have failed to pass muster. Miss West can plainly see that these little miscreants have been focusing far too much on their own personal styles, rather than upholding a proper presentation of the school which they attend. Sadly for them, their instructors believe personal discipline is best achieved through severe punishment.

Dorothy and Bernadette's fake nails and polish are clearly inconsistent with the school's guidelines... bad enough... but Veronica has broken the school's knicker code, which is inexcusable. After each endures a palm spanking with Miss West's ruler, Veronica is singled out for an additional dose of punishment and humiliation. Miss West slippers her right on top her unauthorized underwear, before making her change into a unflattering pair which is far too large for the schoolgirl. Poor Veronica is made to bend over and hold her knees, while the teacher flails at her bottom in front of her sniggering classmates.

Part 1 of 8

Laura Lux, Lucy Lauren, Miss West, Tamsin Riley

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Three Miscreants 2
« Reply #58 on: December 26, 2024, 07:08:52 AM »
Three Miscreants 2

I found contraband in the dormitory, and now have the girls are lined up in front of me for interrogation. Nobody wants to admit to the infraction, so once again I must get physical. Bernadette stands in front of her classmates, palms up for punishment, and I reduce her to tears with twelve strokes of my tawse. The sobbing little mess bends over for eighteen hard strokes on her bare bottom, screaming and sorry whilst the leather turns her poor cheeks red-hot!

Part 2 of 8

Laura Lux, Lucy Lauren, Miss Elsa Svenson, Tamsin Riley

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More Maths with Miss West 1
« Reply #59 on: January 01, 2025, 02:14:00 PM »
More Maths with Miss West 1

Sophie (Sofia Saint) is five minutes late for Maths, on top of all the other class time she's missed, and still the lazy student isn't able to solve even the most basic equations. Miss West has lost all patience with this little slouch, and takes Sophie over her knee for a hard, stern handspanking over her navy blue knickers. Kicking and squirming, the errant schoolgirl whimpers whilst her teacher pulls down her knickers, giving her a sharp spanking on her tender plump bottom.

Part 1 of 4

Sofia Saint, Miss West

More Maths with Miss West 1-HD.mp4 - 2.9 GB

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