Author Topic: What is karma  (Read 30248 times)

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What is karma
« on: December 17, 2008, 05:07:41 PM »
What is karma
Karma serves to protect links from those who like to just take a not afford to give.
It is a user evaluation of the forum users. Karma is displayed under the name of the user.

Karma, you can give to those whose contribution you like.
Karma is added by clicking on APPLAUD.

Karma users can also reduce, if you do not like his contributions on the contrary.
Karma is reduced by clicking on SMITE.

Some contributions, so you have access only if you allowances and other users is appreciated. There is not, nor is it appropriate to give the type of "Thanks a lot" "Many thanks". For these contributions will not be nobody around Karma.

Those who are active, please spare no praise (applaud).
On the contrary. And those who only just able to write all types thanks pay (SMITE).
Thanks to our forum will contain only the good and not too d?kova?eki between good contributions to lose.

Some of you even can thank for the contribution, which saw. Contribution is protected by karma and I thank them happy even though it not enough.
These users do not need here.

Women and cats can do what they want, men and dogs should understand it and get used to it.


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Re: What is karma
« Reply #1 on: December 25, 2008, 07:17:49 PM »
Of course, you can not give KARMA themselves!
But other users can evaluate your contributions over the KARMA!

Everything depends on you and the quality of your contributions.

Women and cats can do what they want, men and dogs should understand it and get used to it.